I have removed the links to the family tree pages created using Ged4Web as I wasn’t maintaining them and they didn’t offer anything over phpGedView. The only link to my family tree database is now http://familydb1.ijhedges.com/phpGedView/index.php
It is straight forward for me to export my GEDCOM file from Kith Kin and upload it to my website for my phpGedView site to use. This means that it will hopefully be more up to date.
I have enabled multimedia on the trees in phpGedView, which will allow me to upload images for the people in the tree. I just means that I have to work my way through my photos to find suitable images. Providing I remember when I upload new GEDCOM files to select the option to retain the links, they should be there once I have worked my way through.
I have applied for the birth certificate of Henry Hedges (born 1867) and this will hopefully confirm his parents names.