Following the information that has allowed me to identify my grandfather Henry Hedges and his parents, my brick wall has now disappeared. I’m sure there will be many moments ahead that will seem just as difficult, but for the moment, its plain sailing.
I have renamed the ‘My Brick Wall’ page on my site to ‘Henry Hedges’ and created a redirect to catch any links to the old page.
For anyone interested in the technical, I have added the following to my .htaccess file:
redirect 301 /my_brick_wall.htm
redirect 301 /crown_agents.htm
redirect 301 /northern_provinces_news.htm
RedirectMatch 301 ^/my-brick-wall/(.*)$$1
The first 3 lines are to catch any really old links to my original site. The next line redirects any page in the my-brick-wall set of pages to the corresponding henry-hedges page.